Southampton Youth Fest

Southampton Youth Fest

Southampton Youth Fest

# Internal Updates

Southampton Youth Fest

YTH is joining together with Ascension and St. James by the Park to put on SOUTHAMPTON YOUTH FEST! This event is open to churches from across the city and for all young people in school year 6 up to yr 13. We have an exciting programme planning including some amazing teaching from Grace Wheeler (YFC National Evangelist), Tearfund and Jimmy Dale (Youth Evangelism Offer for the Church of England).

You might not be aged 10-18 but you can still get involved! We're looking for a wonderful team to serve the young people by supporting in the kitchen. For more information, times, and where to sign up, please click here.

Southampton Youth Fest

Friday 1st - Sunday 3rd July

Lockerley Water Farm, Romsey

Only £60 per young person

FREE for Youth leaders/volunteers (with a suggested donation of £20 to cover food etc).

Booking Deadline: 5th June

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