House of Prayer

House of Prayer

We meet in the church every weekday morning, 9-9:30am for a time of prayer and worship to pray for our world, nation, and local community.

Prayer for Ukraine

Join us on Monday evenings at 8-9pm to continue praying for Ukraine.


Meeting ID: 940 1105 1624

Passcode: zs270R

Online Prayer Meeting

Online Prayer Meeting

Join us on Wednesday mornings, 8:30-9am as we pray together for mission in our parish and the world.

Meeting ID: 710 0011 4041
Password: 681133

Personal Prayer and Support

We realise that praying with others can sometimes be daunting so if there's something you'd like prayer for, and would feel more comfortable writing it down for our prayer team to read and pray for later, please email your prayer requests to

Life isn't always easy, which is why we have a fantastic team who offer support throughout the challenging times. If you would like to chat about something that is happening in your life, get in touch with Jennie who leads our pastoral team at