Join us in person or online this Easter (2022)

Join us in person or online this Easter (2022)

Join us in person or online this Easter (2022)

# Services

Join us in person or online this Easter (2022)

We warmly invite you to join us as we journey through Holy Week and celebrate Easter at Highfield...

Palm Sunday -  10 April

3pm - Palm Sunday Service

Wednesday  -  13 April

2pm - Vintage Adventure

Maundy Thursday - 14 April

7.30pm at St Denys Church - Taize Service

Good Friday -  15 April

10.30am - Highfield Kids' Good Friday Service

2pm - Good Friday Service - At the Cross*

Easter Sunday -  17 April

9am - Liturgical Service with Communion*

10.30am - Family Communion*

For further details about each of our services or a YouTube link*, please click on the service above.

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