The Grids

The Grids

The Grids

# Internal Updates

The Grids

You may have spotted our shiny new display walls (grids) that arrived over Christmas; their aim being to serve as a clearer and more accessible reference point for visitors, newcomers and congregation members alike.

NEW HANDOUTS for Children and Families, Older People, and Prayer and Pastal work have been developed as part of this update - enabling the multiple flyers, invitations and handouts to be combined; thus helping to clearly communicate weekly, monthly and annual events for each ministry.

We have also dedicated space to our MISSION PARTNERS, where partner-specific flyers and handouts will be rotated alongside their weekly update letters. However, should someone come into church with a specific request or concern that relates to or could be helped by a Mission Partner (e.g. inviting international students along to iExplore, or someone who would benefit from the service provided by CAP), please note that everyone is welcome to access the other handouts i.e. the ones not being featured that week, via the labelled plastic box on top of the pigeon holes.

Finally, please note that SPARE BIBLES for use in church, along with BOOKS and TRACTS to take away have been relocated to the bookcase by the South door.

Thank you for reading this update - we hope these little changes make a big difference to the ease of welcoming and making the various information points within church approachable.

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