02/07/2024 0 Comments
Welcome to the Mentoring blog
Welcome to the Mentoring blog
# Mentoring

Welcome to the Mentoring blog
Hello all, this is our first go at providing a central point for all mentors to access resources, read helpful material and look back over previous posts. We'll be experimenting with ways of providing the information you would like to have, so please post comments in the window below on what you would like to see.
Firstly, here is a list of just some of the resources for Mentoring on Churchdesk - we'll be adding to them as well as posting hopefully helpful tips on mentoring and how we can best serve those we're mentoring.
- The mentoring guidelines (this will download at the moment as a Word file)
- PAYG Examen and Soularium a short explanation of some useful (and some ancient) help on developing our prayer life (from Rachel)
- Paul Wicox's slides from our last training day - we'll get the audio linked when we can fix Churchdesk to do it: session1 session2 session3 session4
Finding previous blogs
You can also read this blog on Churchdesk here. We plan to send and email like this one to save you having to check Churchdesk for new ones. Churchdesk is where you'll find them all - here.
Some of us (including me) have found it difficult to find where to do the C0 and C1 safeguarding training. It's here, but if you have not registered for training before, you need to start here and then click on the Agreement button all the way at the bottom, which will lead you onto a place where you can create an account - it does involve verifying your email address by it sending you an email - so if this all seems a bit much, let me or Rachel know and we'll find a way to help.
Let us know what you'd like to see in these blogs and we'll do our best, and we'll also post some other bits that you may find helpful too.
Best wishes,
Steve, Jackie and Rachel
sjb@zepler.org , rachelwadhawan@gmail.com , jackiewakeling@gmail.com
There is far more to the Christian life than getting it right. There is living it right. Eugene Peterson (foreword to Mansions of the Heart, Thomas Ashbrook)