Announcement from the Bartram-Torrances

Announcement from the Bartram-Torrances

Announcement from the Bartram-Torrances

# Internal Updates

Announcement from the Bartram-Torrances

We will be leaving this Summer at the end of David’s curacy. We’ve made wonderful friends and learned so much at Highfield and St. Denys, and we’re sad to say goodbye. However, we’re also excited to announce our plans: to move to Kondoa, Tanzania, as CMS Mission Partners. It’s a predominantly Muslim area where the Church is growing rapidly through evangelism (from around 8,000 to 20,000 in the last eight years). The Bishop has made equipping leaders a priority, and to that end David will be teaching at the Bible College. Christine has always found that God provides clarity when she arrives in a place, so she has avoided making set plans and will arrive open to God’s leading. We’re excited to witness what God’s doing there, and equip others as we are equipped.

If you’d like to get in touch with us for more information, you can do so at 

Skip to 17:00 minutes in to see the announcement video here:

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