02/07/2024 0 Comments
Nomination Forms for PCC, Deanery Synod and Churchwarden 2021
Nomination Forms for PCC, Deanery Synod and Churchwarden 2021
Nomination Forms for PCC, Deanery Synod and Churchwarden 2021
# Internal Updates
Published on Sunday, 28 March 2021 20:55

Nomination Forms for PCC, Deanery Synod and Churchwarden 2021
Our electoral roll is now closed. If you would like to view this, please email admin@highfield.church to request this.
We also have a number of vacancies on PCC, Deanery Synod and Mike Page will be stepping down as Warden at this APCM. If you would like to find out more please email our PCC Secretary, Becky Proctor or download the nomination forms below and return a scanned copy to Becky over email or if you prefer in the church office pigeon hole at the back of church.
If you prefer a paper copy of the forms, please call 023 8055 8234 or email admin@highfield.church