Highfield Kids Arrangements - Autumn 2021

Highfield Kids Arrangements - Autumn 2021

Highfield Kids Arrangements - Autumn 2021

# Internal Updates

Highfield Kids Arrangements - Autumn 2021

Highfield Kids 10.30am exit routes

Now the children are in the first part of the service together we can finally worship as a whole church family!

There are some changes to how the children leave, where they leave from and how they register for Highfield Kids – but don’t worry we will get used to it!

Gems – entrance is via the internal door to the vestry, please take your child to Gems and then return to church the same way.

Collection is via the internal door at the end of the service and then exit to outdoors in a one way system.

Registration for all other groups is in the church centre car park

Pebbles and Ground Breakers – would one parent please bring your child to the car park via the main (west door) and register your children with their leaders.

Collect from the usual entrance and exit points via the fire doors to their spaces

Rock Solid and Cornerstones – our oldest children will exit via the flower porch where team will meet them and take them safely to the church centre for registration and their groups. Team will be waiting for them so parents won’t need to leave the church!

Collection is from the car park after the service. 

If you have multiple children to collect after the service please could we ask you to collect your youngest first.

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