02/07/2024 0 Comments
# Students

University means a new season! A new city, home, friends, and hobbies. But we know life is about more than location, the people you surround yourself with, and the society you wear as a label.
We challenge you to try something that matters. A community that could shape and change your life. A lifestyle that means something. A new rhythm of living that has eternal significance. Are you ready for the challenge? We invite you to try church.
We have a strong, large & dynamic student community at Highfield. We always meet at 5:30pm on Sundays at Highfield Church Centre to share a free cooked meal together. We aim to finish by 6:15pm, just in time for our 6:30 evening service.
We'll also gather in small groups throughout the week to grow in community, share food and develop in faith together. A small group is a place of real closeness and depth, but we also gather as a larger student body for outreach, socials and our annual weekend away. We're passionate about making a real difference in Southampton, so chat to us about how you could get involved.
As a student community we’re seeking to grow as disciples in prayer & worship, creativity, hospitality, justice, learning and mission. Therefore, events and projects are designed to reflect these 6 practices. Things like: Weekly meals, prayer walking, community projects, and more! Read more below, or connect with us via one of the channels on the linktree.
Living Room
We want to use what God has given us for good things. Board games, table tennis, cheap food all seem like good things to us! Come join us from 4pm every Sunday for Living Room: A space to hang out, grow in community, and share hospitality.
At 5:30 we share a meal for £2 if you want to join at that point. Afterwards most of us head to the 6:30 service at church
6:30pm Service
The most popular service for students. We'll get together to worship the Living God, pray together, be comforted and challenged by the word of God, and receive ministry from God through prayer and reflection. Doesn't always look the same, but come expectant, we see God moving.
Small Groups
These are students across all 4 years that meet together on weekday evenings at 7pm. Over the last few years, Highfield have created their Small Groups to be a place where you are loved, valued and have a part to play. A place that openly invites the Holy Spirit to move and reveal the heart of God. A place that sees people encounter Jesus, seeks to shape culture, and grows as more people come to know Jesus.
We as Student Team are passionate about hanging out, supporting practically and igniting spiritual growth in our students. This is why we endeavour to meet up with ALL students on a regular basis as a simple way of saying you matter, and you're loved. We'd also love to pray for you, and you can always reach out to students@highfield.church
Mentoring Network
If you would like to be mentored by someone older & wiser, then we at Highfield have the privilege and great opportunity to connect you with a mentor. Mentoring is a fantastic method of discipleship to promote accountability, spiritual growth and action. Someone to walk alongside you.
Prayer Walking on Campus
We want to get together, into God's presence, and see where he leads us. We pray for our campus, friends and people we meet, but also want to align our hearts with Gods and to let him be known to us afresh. It won't always look the same, as that's up to God!
"We have an authority in Christ that we are barely operating in" - Rich Wilson, Fusion Conference 2021
Weekend Away
Every year the majority of the Student Community embark on a trip away. During these three days, we spend time delving deep into the word, worshiping, and having fun. This is a significant event that always brings out some amazing stories of faith. Previously, we've welcomed Guest Speakers from across the UK in shape of church pastors, specialist evangelists and members of the Fusion team.
Service Engagement
If you are gifted, passionate or called to a specific area of church life, we want to empower you to thrive in it. Whether it is service leading, worship, youth, hospitality, sound & visuals or something more radical, you'll find space and support here!
1 Timothy 4:12 - Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.