02/07/2024 0 Comments
# Internal Updates

Did you know that Highfield Church is signed up to AmazonSmile? Using AmazonSmile is an easy way to financially support Highfield every time you shop at Amazon because AmazonSmile donates a portion of the purchase price of your items to Highfield with no extra cost to you.
It is easy set up in your web browser:
- Visit smile.amazon.co.uk
- Sign in with the same account you use for amazon.co.uk
- Select "The Parochial Church Council Of The Ecclesiastical Parish Of Highfield, Southampton" as your chosen charity (found by searching for 'Highfield Church')
- Start shopping! Remember to visit smile.amazon.co.uk every time you shop to ensure you generate donations for Highfield.
To set up in the Amazon mobile app:
- Open the Amazon Shopping app
- Navigate to the main menu (=)
- Tap on Settings and then select “AmazonSmile”
- Select "The Parochial Church Council Of The Ecclesiastical Parish Of Highfield, Southampton" as your chosen charity (found by searching for 'Highfield Church')
- Follow the on-screen instructions to turn ON AmazonSmile in the mobile app
- Once AmazonSmile has been activated in your app, future eligible app purchases will generate a donation for the charity you have selected.