New Wine United Week A: 23-28 July 2022

New Wine United Week A: 23-28 July 2022

New Wine United Week A: 23-28 July 2022

# Internal Updates

New Wine United Week A: 23-28 July 2022

Pre pandemic every year about 100 of our Highfield Church family would book in for a week of camping together at New Wine's Summer Conference called United. Unfortunately it was cancelled in 2020 and 2021 but we are very pleased to hear that as restrictions are easing following the vaccination effort over the last 6 months, United will be returning in 2022.

Please do pray about whether you would like to book on and join us for Week A (23-28 July 2022). 

Here is an extract from New Wine's website about this year's event and some testimonies from previous years:

'This summer we’ll regather as a family to celebrate everything God has been doing in our lives, churches, and communities. We’ll encounter him afresh together and take his blessing back home – to see the nation changed. With impactful teaching, worship, Holy Spirit ministry, community, connection, and transformational encounters with God. There will be programmes for all ages, with New Wine Kids groups and LUMINOSITY for 11-18s.

Morning Celebration Speaker

Jon Tyson – Pastor of Church of the City, New York, a community passionate about making disciples who practice the way of Jesus together for the renewal of the city.'

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