02/07/2024 0 Comments
Caraway Resource and Refresh Day: Living Well with Dementia
Caraway Resource and Refresh Day: Living Well with Dementia
# Internal Updates

Caraway Resource and Refresh Day: Living Well with Dementia
Caraway's next Refresh & Resource Day, 'Living Well with Dementia' is on Wednesday 23 March 2022.
A Refresh and Resource Day is an interactive and creative event, for all those spiritually resourcing our older community across Southampton and beyond.
The last Refresh & Resource day was sadly postponed in 2020 due to our first Lockdown. Caraway are hopeful that this gathering will go ahead as planned!
Caraway are delighted to have Dr Jennifer Bute, Dr. 'Tricia Williams and Sally Nevitt joining them on the day, to explore the topic of Living Well with Dementia. This Refresh & Resource day consists of a choice of workshops addressing different aspects of living with dementia along with the opportunity to network with like minded people involved in Southampton’s Dementia community.
Discussion and workshops run 10am-3.30pm, with coffee and pastries from 9.30am. A simple lunch will be provided.
As always the event is free but if you are able to make a donation towards the day and/or the work of Caraway you can do so via the Caraway website or direct into their bank account (details on our donate page) using the reference R&R. If you are able to Gift Aid your donation please let Caraway know so they can make the claim.
DATE: Wednesday 23 March 2022
TIME: 9.30am – 4pm
VENUE: St. Nicolas, Stoneham Lane, SO50 9NW
COST: Event free, suggested donation £15
BOOK: Reserve your place here.