02/07/2024 0 Comments
Praying for Salvation
Praying for Salvation
# Students

Praying for Salvation
March- Lets pray for SALVATION. For family, friends, campus, neighbours and the world.
Our heavenly Father sent Jesus, His son to die on the cross for you and me, three days later he rose again, and because of this amazing moment in history I can have eternal life through accepting Jesus into my life. Not everyone knows this privilege. Not everyone knows Jesus. Let’s pray for these people, for our family members who don’t know Jesus yet, for our friends who don’t know Jesus yet, for campus to be a place where Jesus’ name is lifted high, for our neighbours who don’t know Jesus yet and for the world. Let’s pray for SALVATION.
Let’s pray for our family- John 14:6. Let’s pray that they will know Jesus is the WAY. He is the good shepherd and the way for eternal life. Let’s pray they will know Jesus as the TRUTH. We can trust what he says, from beginning to end, he speaks no lie but is the truth. Let’s pray they will know that Jesus is LIFE. Through Jesus we are saved, can live in freedom and can have eternal life.
Let’s pray for our friends- Hebrews 7:25. Let’s thank God that no one is too far gone, no one is too out of reach for Jesus to save. Let’s thank God that when we don’t have the words to say, when we don’t know what to do, He intercedes for us as He wants to see all his children saved. Let’s pray for opportunities to talk about Jesus with our friends to share the good news with them. Let’s pray for their salvation, trusting that Jesus can save all.
Let’s pray for our campus- Luke 15:4. Let’s pray for a stirring and a rising of students being saved on campus. Let’s pray for those dry bones to come alive. As Jesus pursues that one lost sheep, let’s be expectant that a flock is going to come back running to Jesus. There are so many lost sheep on campus. Let’s pray that they are ALL found and come to know Jesus as their Lord and saviour.
Let’s pray for our neighbours- Mark 12:31. Let’s pray for those who are physically close to us, and next to us. Whatever, their walk of life, if we know them or don’t know them, lets lift them into Jesus hands and pray for their salvation. Let’s pray for new opportunities to truly love our neighbour and show them Jesus’ love. May they encounter and experience Jesus for themselves. Let’s pray for salvation along the streets of Southampton.
Let’s pray for the world- Psalm 22:27-28. Let’s pray that countries, cities, towns, and people groups all over the world will be saved and believe in Jesus. Following, the Operation World calendar, the last week of March covers Canada in prayer. Let’s join in with this and pray for Canada, praying that there will be a new vibrant move of God, so people are more concerned about being loving witnesses than being concerned about political agendas and cultural wars. Let’s submit it into Gods hands as He holds the whole world in His hands.
Thank You Jesus that you are our saviour and that you still save.