06/11/2024 0 Comments
Christmas at Highfield
Christmas at Highfield
# Christmas

Christmas at Highfield
We invite you to join us as we celebrate Christmas at Highfield
Sunday 1 December
3pm - Advent Carols
Sunday 15 December
6.30pm - Contemporary Christmas Service
Wednesday 18 December
10.30am - Christmas Midweek Holy Communion with Carols
followed by Christmas refreshments at Open House (11.30am-12.30pm)
Sunday 22 December
10am - Crib Service
6.30pm - Carols by Candlelight
Christmas Eve 24 December
4pm - Christingle Service
11pm - First Communion of Christmas
Christmas Day 25 December
10am - Christmas Day Family Communion
Details of all our services throughout December can be found in our services calendar.
Christmas Collection
This year we will be collecting for two of our Mission Partners:
A Rocha Kenya and Southampton City Mission.
If you would like to support our partners as part of your worship there will be buckets by the door at each service as you leave or you can give online by clicking here.