Electoral Roll Open for Revision

Electoral Roll Open for Revision

Electoral Roll Open for Revision

# Internal Updates

Electoral Roll Open for Revision

Our electoral roll is open for revision between 21 September and 4 October 2020. 

For those already on our electoral roll, please do let us know if you would like to change any details by emailing admin@highfield.church

If you are not already on the electoral roll, please consider joining the roll and click here for the online application form which explains the eligibility criteria. Being on our Electoral Roll enables you to vote at our APCM, which is on Monday 19 October, and for you to be able to vote this year you will need to complete your application by 4 October 2020. After this date the ER will close until after our APCM and will re-open for applications from Tuesday 20 October.

If you prefer a paper copy of the form, please call 023 8055 8234 or email admin@highfield.church

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