02/07/2024 0 Comments
Vicar's Letter - November 20.11.20
Vicar's Letter - November 20.11.20
# Internal Updates

Vicar's Letter - November 20.11.20
Additional Information from 27/11/20: To make an online donation please click here. Our donation page will be open until 6 December. Or if you would prefer you can contact our Treasurer directly. Decisions about the way forward will then be made at the PCC on Monday 7 December.
To watch the videos about each project please click on the project title: Live Streaming Project, YTH CHRCH Project, A Rocha Project.
Lockdown 2 isn't as daunting as was the first I think. We know more of what to expect, we've all developed some strategies for navigating it, and it's not as restrictive in terms of its regulations as it was in March.
But the fact that it isn't as daunting doesn't stop it being hard. When the November sky has lowered as it has in recent days, and we've had no more than a brief glimpse of the sun, it's hard not to feel at least a bit bleak. I think we know that we will get through it, but we also know that it will be a bit of a slog. And it's hard that Christmas remains so uncertain. I was reminded recently of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe where the weather was always Winter and never Christmas, and found myself hoping earnestly that wasn't going to happen to us!
If you're finding the season we're going through hard, then please be in touch with myself or the pastoral team. This is a time when it's particularly important to be bearing one another's burdens, so don't suffer in silence - I think the season is getting on top of very many of us. If someone you know is also struggling, prompt them to be in touch with us as well. When we can't go anywhere, we can still be a listening ear. And if you need practical help in this second lockdown, please email practicalhelp@highfield.church.
I was preaching from 1 Peter 4: 7-11 last weekend and the main themes were to remember the not yet (because of the already that the Cross and the Resurrection represent, live hopefully remembering what is to come), to prioritise love within the Body and to use the gifts and strength God provides. I felt challenged by the passage myself and I would encourage you to listen again if you're finding this season hard. Ask God to fill you with hope and to give you both His strength and gifts to share with others. Whatever is happening right now, none of it diminishes the 'new birth into a living hope' that we've received through all that Jesus has done. When the sky is lowering with rain, we can still remember that our inheritance in Jesus is kept in heaven for us where it can 'never perish, spoil or fade' and be comforted (1 Peter 1: 3-4).
I hope you'll agree that we've made real progress with live streaming our services over recent weeks. The work of Tim Taylor and Rhiannon Taylor, supported by other members of the staff team, has been instrumental in making that happen. We've learned a lot from YTH CHRCH, and are learning something new every single week. You'll see from this photo how many of us are involved and how complicated the set up is. It has been a real leap forward and I am so grateful for the staff team for making it happen during lockdown.
However we believe we need to go further as social distancing is likely to be with us for much of next year. This is a particular challenge as what we're currently using is borrowed (either from YTH CHRCH or staff members). As we have only one set of streaming equipment, clearly we cannot run two streams at the same time (which is why YTH CHRCH has moved to the 6.30pm slot for the time being). We're streaming the 9am with a single camera and a single microphone, before taking it across to the Centre for the 10.30am. Even the equipment we do have doesn't make the live streaming of music at all straightforward. While we are going to try over the next few weeks, trying to build towards Christmas, we recognise that this is going to be a significant challenge with the equipment we currently have.
Going as far as we believe we need to go and setting up the capacity to stream both from the Church and the Centre Hall at the same time is going to require significant investment. Honestly, this equipment has gone from a wish list to an essential investment this year. As the need to purchase this equipment wasn't predictable in 2019, the expense is not in our current budget. Given this, we're asking you to support this expenditure through a Gift Day on 29 November.
The aim is to be streaming at least some of our congregations entirely live (including the music) on a regular basis by the middle of February. The purpose is continuing to sustain our congregations in their faith, community and worship in this particularly challenging period, while also making it easier for those outside the church or unable to attend at the moment to join us.
Please consider prayerfully giving to this project - and, if not financially, through volunteering to be part of the teams which we will need to grow to use this equipment well on a regular basis.
The total to purchase all that's desirable is £10,000. The bare essentials would be £5,000.
After the launch of YTH CHRCH it became apparent that it was going to outgrow the Centre Lounge quickly. The decision was taken to move YTH CHRCH into the Centre Hall and Tim Taylor and his team started planning in January this year to make that happen. Making it work technically and in terms of atmosphere is challenging, particularly when balanced against the needs of other users through the week (everything has to be put out and put away on a Sunday). The reality of social distancing has inevitably complicated these plans somewhat, but we're confident that where we've landed will work both for streaming and for meetings in person.
We have now heard back from all our grant applications and we're really pleased that we've been awarded two grants towards the cost of YTH CHRCH - a £6000 grant towards these set-up costs, but also a further grant towards the employment costs of a Youth Worker to work alongside Tim Taylor for the next three years. This role will be significant as the ministry expands and in helping us achieve our vision of reaching young people across Southampton, raising them up as followers of Jesus and releasing them as influencers of culture. Hearing this news has been hugely encouraging. But there is a gap in funding that we need to close. The total to purchase all that's desirable is £14,000. Essential funding is £9,000.
Colin and Roni Jackson, our mission partners working with A Rocha in Kenya, have approached us about a project to prevent deforestation. They've been offered the opportunity to purchase up to 100 acres of Kenyan forest and prevent it being cleared to be turned into agricultural land. Not only is this better for biodiversity and oxygenation, it also serves to fix more water in the soil and prevent the devastation that other African countries have seen from uncontrolled deforestation (such as in Zimbabwe). The purchase price is likely to be around $80 an acre. We're planning to give 10% of all Gift Day proceeds to this project.
Videos detailing the various projects will be available from Sunday 29 November. More details of how to give online will be published on the same Sunday and the Gift Day will remain open until Sunday 6 December. In summary, the total to purchase all that is desirable for both our Live Streaming Project and YTH CHRCH Project is £24,000. The total to purchase the bare essentials for both projects is £14,000.
Decisions about the way forward will then be made at the PCC on Monday 7 December.
NB: Please note that if we raise more than the total amount required, any surplus will be put into Highfield's General Funds.
Aside from our normal gatherings for prayer, the church building will be open for both private prayer on Sunday 22 and 29 November from 2-4pm. A prophetic gathering will also be happening that week as part of our discerning what God is saying to us as a church. These projects are a matter which we will be seeking to bring to God in prayer. We will be asking Him to release His resources and to help us hear for ourselves how each of us is to give (2 Corinthians 8: 12). May we seek Him in a wholehearted way and be released in joyful generosity once again (2 Corinthians 9: 6-8).
I pray for all of us that we will move beyond this wintry season and find great joy and peace as Christmas comes. Thank you for walking with us during this particularly hard year and thank you for the many messages of encouragement you've sent to the team - we appreciate them so much, particularly when we can't see your faces! Thank you.
Every Blessing,
Mike Archer Priest in Charge